

Dear Parents,
It is a great honor for me to address you on behalf of Disney Junior and Daycare Centre a private daycare nursery & primary school – focused on preparing children for the changing conditions of today’s and tomorrow’s worlds. If we want our children to take part in the competition of the 21st century, and take the lead, they should have such qualities as self-confidence cultivated from a firm foundation. Disney Junior and Daycare Centre was founded on this concept. Simply offering a competitive curriculum is not enough, thus, only with well-developed interpersonal and social skills and a sense of ethics will our children truly be equipped for the challenges they will face as the leaders of the future. With that goal in mind, Disney Junior and Daycare Centre is designed to provide a unique environment where the staff knows each student. Class sizes are small enough for individual attention not only for academic development but also for character building. Teachers and school administrators are prepared to work hand-in-hand with parents to provide a unique and thorough level of guidance for each child. Welcome to Disney Junior and Daycare Centre.
I firmly believe it is one of the best investments you can make for your child’s future.
Madam Angella
Disney Junior and Daycare Centre